Saturday 20 November 2010

Christmas Pudding!

It being Stir Up Sunday I was up at the crack of dawn to do the final mixing of the pudding. Last night I had put together all the dry ingredients so all I had to add was the grated lemon zest, treacle, egg, brandy and a bit of milk. I followed Pink Whisk's recipe as a change from my own traditional family recipe. Pink Whisk gave instructions for cooking the pudding in 3 different ways, one of which was using the slow cooker. The great advantage of the slow cooker being that the house wouldn't be full of steam and also it would use less power and therfore be greener.

I halved Pink Whisk's recipe as a 1 litre pud would be too much for us. I tried different combinations of smaller bowls in the slow cooker to see what I could get in. 3 was the answer and so the mix is divided up into 3 bowls,  Anyway the slow cooker is doing its' stuff, there's no steam. You have to add two hours on to the cooking time so am now waiting till lunchtime to take my puds out!

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